Vampyr Wiki


Ichabod Throgmorton claims to be an exceptional vampire hunter and the warden of the East End Docks
- funny thing is, he does not seem to realize he is supposed to hunt me. The man asked me to help him
warn the locals by gluing warning posters in the streets. What would it make me, then, if I agreed to help
a vampire hunter? A double, or a triple agent?


Unlock by chat with Ichabod Throgmorton


  • Take some posters from the pile
You can find Anti Vampire Poster in front of gate of Night Asylum.
  • Choose what to do about Ichabod Throgmorton's campaign
  • Stick 5 posters in the streets of the East End Docks -- Will get 50 shilling when finished
Just follow the map Mark to post 5 posters.
  • Burn all the posters
This was easy, but will lost the reward.
  • Report to Ichabod Throgmorton