Vampyr Wiki
Skill Spring img

Spring is a tactical skill of Reid.

Skill Description[]

It's too easy to catch up to your prey with spring... it's almost boring when they start running...

The common belief that Vampires can disappear into thin air is misleading. Rather, they can greatly increase their speed with blood, moving so fast that to human eyes it appears as if they appear and reappear at will. Correctly used, this ability can be offensive or defensive, depending on the Vampire's state of mind.


Spring III Spring3a Spring IV Spring4a Spring V Spring5a
Level Required Level 12 Level Required Level 18 Level Required Level 24
Cost 10.0 Cost 10.0 Cost 10.0
Recovery 5.0 Recovery 5.0 Recovery 5.0
Range Ranged Range Ranged Range Ranged
Spring I Spring1 Spring II Spring2 Area 2m Area 2m Area 2m
Level Required Level 5 Level Required Level 6  •  Shadow Damage Small 120 Damage  •  Shadow Damage Small 200 Damage  •  Shadow Damage Small 250 Damage
Cost 10.0 Cost 10.0 Points needed: 1500 Points needed: 2250 Points needed: 3000
Recovery 10.0 Recovery 5.0 You concentrate your blood in your feet to increase your impact upon landing, and deal damage around you.
Range Ranged Range Ranged
Area 2m Area 2m Spring III Spring3b Spring IV Spring4b Spring V Spring5b
 •  Shadow Damage Small 20 Damage  •  Shadow Damage Small 40 Damage Level Required Level 12 Level Required Level 18 Level Required Level 24
Points needed: 500 Points needed: 1000 Cost 10.0 Cost 10.0 Cost 10.0
You perform a supernatural move to your target, and cause damage upon landing. Recovery 10.0 Recovery 10.0 Recovery 5.0
Range Ranged Range Ranged Range Ranged
Area 2m Area 2m Area 2m
 •  15 Stun  •  20 Stun  •  30 Stun
 •  Shadow Damage Small 50 Damage  •  Shadow Damage Small 50 Damage  •  Shadow Damage Small 50 Damage
Points needed: 1500 Points needed: 2250 Points needed: 3000
You concentrate your blood in your hands and feet to increase the impact on your target. If your target is already stunned, you embrace them automatically.


An odd skill which allows you to close the distance to an enemy quickly, which dodge does without the blood cost, but adds inefficient shadow damage (higher blood cost per damage compared to Shadow Mist) and/or minor stun (less than an offhand upgraded stun weapon, but with an area-of-effect). Its upside is low XP cost compared to other shadow damage abilities.

Likely most useful when trying out a bite build, to increase stun opportunities, or when trying to add shadow damage to your build with minimal XP cost.

