- Found on the table in the southwest of Dr Edgar Swansea's room.
- Will unlock Rakesh Chadana Hint #2
A short letter carefully written, destined to Doctor Swansea
- Pembroke Hospital, 4th August
- Dear Doctor Swansea.
- I will be glad to manage the temporary morgue as soon as it's opened. As I have already
- told you, I was a doctor during the war and I will be glad to serve my country again.
- I know it is not the same being a physician for the dead as it is for the living, but I believe it
- is important to welcome and take good care of our departed too. Rest assured I will do
- my best to fully perform this new duty to the best of my ability.
- Concerning the question of my qualifications. I'm sorry I can't give you anything more
- valuable than my parole. I swear to you that my regiment made me a doctor during the
- war, and that I saved many lives. If my word is not enough, you can contact the military
- administration to verify my experience and skills. They will confirm that even if I never
- followed any medical studies, the war taught me what a doctor really needs to know.
- Always sincerely.
- Rakesh Chadana, former doctor.