Vampyr Wiki
"Benjamin Palmer"
Benjamin Palmer
Albert Palmer
Mesmerise Level
Embrace Base EXP
Embrace Max EXP

Benjamin Palmer is one of the characters in Vampyr. He is the father of Albert Palmer, but they are not in good relationship. Although he may not a good sample to his son, but he try to make Albert live better and stay away of gang.


[]Your life in London?

[] Tell me about this place.
[] Have you no family?
[] You mean you used to have a better life?
[] Can you tell me your troubles?

[] Personal questions.

[] Why did you shoot this boy?
? Tell me about the war? -- Have Hint #1
[] These are barbaric methods... -- Unlock Hint #2
[] You should not feel ashamed.
[] Get a grip! -- LOSE
? Your son wants to join a gang. -- Have Albert Palmer Hint #1 -- Unlock Hint #3
1[] Protect your son...
2[] He's old enough to make his own mistakes.
3[] It is your fault!
? Were you sure of his guilt when you shot him?

[] You should read this letter. -- Have Wet Boot Boys Note -- Get Swanborough Cordial

After embracing Albert Palmer[]

... Your life in London?

[] About the Wet Boot Boys?
[] About Albert's death?
[] No father should survive his son. - Unlock Hint #2
[] He was a bad seed!
[] He was old enough to make choices...

Personal questions.

[] What do you do since Albert died?
[] What happened to you during the war?
[] It was a nightmare...
[] I tried to save lives...
[] I made major medical discoveries!


1 - Benjamin is a war veteran. -- Unlock by chat with Albert Palmer

2 - Benjamin needs medication since he came back from the front. -- Unlock by chat select

3 - Benjamin is opposed to his son's wish to join Wet Boot Boys gang. -- Unlock by chat


Citizen Change[]

Albert Palmer joins the Wet Boot Boys after his fathers death. The gang assumes that Albert killed his father.

Tomb Stone

  • Near lie the remains of Benjamin Palmer
  • 1884 - 1918