Vampyr Wiki
"Beatrice Goswick"
Beatrice Goswick
Pembroke Hospital
Mortimer Goswick
Mesmerise Level
Embrace Base EXP
Embrace Max EXP

Beatrice Goswick was mother of Mortimer and she was very rich. She love her son very much, willing to do everything for her son. She always stay at the "VIP" room with her son.



[] Your Life in London?
? Your son is not dying. -- Have Mortimer Goswick Hint #2
[] Tell me about yourself?
[] Are you that rich?
[] What are you doing in your life?
? Tell me about your arrival? -- Have Hint #1 -- Unlock Pippa Hawkins Hint #4
[] She charged you?
[] I share your stupor!
[] Complaints about your reception here? -- Unlock Hint #1
[] Personal questions.
? Your son wished to die. -- Have Mortimer Goswick Hint #1 -- Unlock Hint #2
? Your son's suicide note. -- Have Mortimer Goswick Hint #3
? Why commit suicide? -- Have Mortimer Goswick Hint #3
[] He felt useless?
[] A better place?
? Your son could try to kill himself again! -- Have Mortimer Goswick Hint #3
1[] He is lucky to have you. -- Unlock Hint #3
2[] Prepare for the worst. -- LOSE
3[] You are in denial! -- LOSE

During A Rat in the Hospital[]

[] Rumours of blackmail?

Find Folded letter[]

! You had better read this letter.


1 - Beatrice questions the Pembroke Hospital's efficiency. -- Unlock by chat

  • Earn +600
  • EXP +20

2 - Beatrice hid her son's suicide attempt to keep him out of jail. -- Unlock by chat

  • Earn +700
  • EXP +20

3 - Beatrice returns to acknowledge her son's suicidal tendency. -- Unlock by chat select.


Citizen Changes[]

  • If Mortimer Goswick is still alive, he will find peace through the death of his mother and promise that he won't try to kill himself again.

Tomb Stone[]

  • Near lie the remains of Beatrice Goswick
  • 1873 - 1918