A Rat in the Hospital is one of the quests in Chapter 2: White Coat in Vampyr.
Identify the blackmailer to help Lady Ashbury
- Edgar Swansea just asked me to meet Lady Ashbury and help here in any way I can. The woman appears
- to be the Pembroke's main benefactor, and the administrator simply cannot afford to lose her support. I'm
- to meet the Lady, now, who is visiting with the sick and poor somewhere in the nearby the tents outside
- the building. Her reputation has been threatened, jeopardized by a blackmail of some sort, and I need to
- protect her good name... For the good of the hospital of course.
- Talk to Edgar Swansea
- Dr Edgar Swansea was in his office at 2nd floor of Pembroke Hospital, talk with him, no matter which option you choose, you will get EXP +100.
- Talk to the hospital benefactor
- Before continue, you should be notice that you are first time in the office of Dr Edgar Swansea, so just take chance to loot everything in this room. Such as Letter of Rakesh Chadana on the table, Warning Letter and Note to Dr.Swansea on another table, Rare Species of Vampires on north side. And be noticed that the door to outside in your hideout opened now, which means you can directly go our(or get in) from street. Go to the tent where Y identified.
- Talk to Harriet in the hospital.
- The room of Harriet is open now, just talk with her.
- Talk with her to find out she have no idea about it.
- Find Nurse Dorothy Crane
- Get close to start using special spy action.
- After finished you will find that the door aside the river already open, you can return to hospital from here very quick.
- The door to the Poplar Sewers also unlocked.
- Find Nurse Pippa Hawkins
- Talk with her to find out she have no idea about it.
- Retrieve the thug in the sewer.
- Enter Poplar Sewers and follow the blood trace, if you blocked by a locked door, then you need go through left hand to circle to the back of this door.
- First enemy group was 3 Rogue Skals L6+L7+L8,(here you can find the Common Barbed Cudgel, which was very good to fight the boss soon)
- Next is Rogue Skal L4, if you encounter 2 Rogue Skals L6+L8 it was the wrong way (rescue Oswald Thatcher, but be sure to come here rescue before left)
- You will arrive at a big area (after L4 Rogue Skal), here you find the Boss - Sewer Beast L9 600EXP
- Search the thug's corpse
- Check the corpse, get Nurse Crane's Voucher